Saturday, June 30, 2012


I decided to create this account so I can write shit down and remind myself to keep eating well and inspire others to do so! :) Also if someone pisses me off I might want to write about it. If you don’t agree with me.. that’s fine. Just don’t read it.

I was raised as a meat and dairy eater and it wasn’t until I was around 17 that I was introduced to the vegetarian lifestyle. And after that I kept researching and found out that I actually should be vegan! Now, you might be afraid to think about a big lifestyle change such as this one because everybody and their momma says,“THAT’S NOT HEALTHY! YOU NEED YOUR PROTEIN! YOU NEED TO EAT MEAT!” Or “MEN EAT MEAT ‘CAUSE IT’S MANLY” Why? Because it’s how most of us were brought up, along with our parents and grandparents. Just because it’s been a routine thing, doesn’t make it right. Meat and dairy might have been keeping us alive, (Most of the time) but it has also been keeping us sick. AND OK! I’m not a doctor and “I don’t know anything.” All I know is what I have learned and experienced for myself. And most doctors won’t encourage you to eat better to help your illnesses because they say it won’t make a difference. Let’s prove them wrong. 

What many people in our society don’t realize is that it actually matters what we eat. It should be the fuel that keeps us thriving and not just the “food” that’s keeping us alive and feeling like crap every day. A lot of the “foods” that we have been buying for years and think is healthy.. really isn’t. Many of the health problems and diseases that people have developed over the years is due to their poor diet. So what does that mean? EAT BETTER and it will most likely go away! Your body will take in the good shit and heal itself! It’s 
definitely worth a try.

I, myself mostly eat whole/raw foods. Fruits, Veggies, Nuts, and Seeds. I know that probably doesn’t sound appetizing or fulfilling but it really is if you find creative ways to eat them. THEY ARE ACTUALLY REAL FOODS! Most of the “food” around us aren’t even food! They’re “food-like” products that have been modified like crazy to make us like it more. (And not in a good way) If it took a science lab to create it.. you probably shouldn’t eat it.

And sure…I’m not going to lie to you. I love me some sour patch kids. But when I talk about it and remind myself that it isn’t real food, I don’t have the desire to eat it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on the foods that we eat today. It's garbage! Read the ingredients! I'm not ready to give up meat, although I'm not a big meat eater. I like poultry and fish too much.

    But I do know from experience that what you eat is what you are. I used to weigh 260lbs, high blood pressure, and 300 range diabetic. Doc said that I needed to lose weight to help myself and pressure sores that would never heal as a diabetic. I felt like my days were getting near the end for me. I thought about it, got my head out of my ass and lost 85 pounds by watching what I ate and laying off the beer. 6 months is all it took.

    After losing the weight, blood pressure almost normal, got off all my meds for diabetes. At my next doc visit after losing the weight, he asked me why wasn't I getting my meds refilled for diabetes and I told him my blood sugar was between 80 and 85! He just gave me a wink and smile and said "Well you did lose half a person."

    I've been in a wheelchair for 20+ years, if I can do it, anyone can.
